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Survivor Antennas

I'm finally getting my shop set back up. Thank you for all who have shown and interest in my products.  This is going to be an exciting year with new advances and designs to show you.  Stay tuned... Ke4LH





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Updated: January 22, 2020
Typical comments are "I can't believe it works! (this well)"  because they're expecting poor performance from such small antenna's. Nothing is farther from the truth. With sales expanding to the east and west coasts we are expecting more results soon.
"A 75 meter 5 foot antenna?.... The thing works !"

Hello. I would like to give you a report on the 40 meter ant that you loaned me. I have it mounted on the back of my wooden storage shed  about 15 feet up and about 5 feet above the roof of the shed, it is clear of any metal objects. I have made about ten to twenty contacts with it, getting excellent Results and signal reports 57-59 in most cases using 100 Watts  .  You may use my name and call and e-mail address as a reference... Cap KG5ZJ Update: Jan 2011, Cap broke a DX pileup on 40 with a single call.
    I just got home from Winter Field Day where I amazed several people with your great antennas.  I used some of the 4 foot fiberglass poles I got at a hamfest to support the  antennas.  I put the 40 about 4 feet above the rear of the RV and tied the pole to the ladder of the RV.  I put the 80 on 24 feet of the fiberglass poles and leaned it into a tree for support.  The antenna was in the branches.  I contacted several states, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Missouri, Illinois, and several others.  I enjoyed telling several of my contacts about the Survivor antenna.  You should be getting some inquiries, I bragged a lot.  Several of my Ham Club were impressed. Sam    KE5RJG     
Today I was making some good DX on 40m and ended up with a HB9EE from Switzerland and  RL3A from Moscow both were club calls. Got a 57-58 from these stations. Thanks 73's KB5DZO
Note: He was using our 1SM40-2 40 meter antenna running 100 watts 20 ft up.

