Hello. I would like to give you a report on the 40 meter ant
that you loaned me. I have it mounted on the back of my wooden
storage shed about 15 feet up and about 5 feet above the roof of
the shed, it is clear of any metal objects. I have made about ten to
twenty contacts with it, getting excellent Results and signal
reports 57-59 in most cases using 100 Watts . You may use my name
and call and e-mail address as a reference... Cap KG5ZJ
Update: Jan
2011, Cap broke a DX pileup on 40 with a single call.
I just got home from Winter Field Day where I amazed
several people with your great antennas. I used some of the 4
foot fiberglass poles I got at a hamfest to support the
antennas. I put the 40 about 4 feet above the rear of the RV
and tied the pole to the ladder of the RV. I put the 80 on 24
feet of the fiberglass poles and leaned it into a tree for
support. The antenna was in the branches. I contacted several
states, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Missouri, Illinois, and
several others. I enjoyed telling several of my contacts about
the Survivor antenna. You should be getting some inquiries, I
bragged a lot. Several of my Ham Club were impressed.
Today I was making some good DX on 40m and ended up with a HB9EE
from Switzerland and RL3A from Moscow both were club
calls. Got a 57-58 from these stations. Thanks 73's
Note: He was using our 1SM40-2 40 meter antenna running 100
watts 20 ft up.